Rhinoplasty - THS Turkish Health Service

Rhinoplasty Overview

Rhinoplasty which is one of the most popular aesthetic operations in the world also known as Nose Job provides an effective and permanent treatment by removing the nose deformities.

Contrary to what is known, the main purpose of rhinoplasty is to ensure the easy breath, so the formal changes come after this purpose. Therefore, apart from improving the appearance, rhinoplasty is performed also for health-based reasons.

Rhinoplasty Methods

There’re 2 main methods for rhinoplasty:

  1. Closed Technique: Through this method, the surgeon raises the vibrissa with retractor and treats the cartilage skeleton and nasal bone. There’s no incision, and the technique provides faster recovery, less bruising, and edema when compared to the open technique. Also, the operation duration is shorter.
  2. Open Technique: With this technique, an incision is made to the point where the nostrils meet, and the treatment is performed by opening the inner parts of the nose.

It allows the surgeon to see the problem clearly and intervene. According to the closed technique, both operation and recovery time are longer.

Besides, the surgeon determines the appropriate method according to the patient’s needs and wishes.

Surgeon & Clinic

It’s necessary to conduct detailed research for the surgeon and the clinic to achieve the desired result; after goes-wrong operations, the damage that cannot be recovered.

The surgeon to be chosen should have board-certification as an aesthetic & plastic surgeon. During the selecting phase, it’s important to research online firstly to evaluate the feedback; then to meet face to face afterward to get one-to-one answers.

Before the Operation

Before the rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes various analyzes and decides which technique to use. Then s/he informs the patient about potential results.

To get the best results from a nose job, patients should pay attention to followings before the operation:

  • Rhinoplasty requires general anesthesia. Therefore, the patient should inform the surgeon about medicines (especially blood-thinning) used because it may cause side effects.
  • Since smoking reduces oxygen, it should be stopped.
  • If any signs of disease are seen before surgery, the surgeon should be informed.
  • Easy-to-take-off clothes should be preferred.
  • No cream or makeup should be on the face.
  • The hair should be tied up.
  • The stomach should be empty.

After the Operation

The surgeon may want the patient to stay in the hospital for 1 night. If there is, nasal tampon is removed 3-7 days later.

It’s quite normal to have bloody defluxion, pain, and swelling in the first days. These problems disappear in a short time with prescribed medicines.

The precautions that patients should take during the recovery period are as follows:

  • It’s important to protect the nose in the first days. That’s why a semi-sitting position should be provided while resting and sleeping.
  • Medicines and care products should be used regularly.
  • Pain relievers should not be used very often.
  • For 2 days, a cold compress should be applied around the eyes at 15-minute intervals to prevent bruising and swelling.
  • Easy-to-eat foods should be preferred.
  • Because smoking adversely affects the recovery, the patient should quit smoking during this process.
  • After the operation, the patient can take a shower without bending the head forward and washing the hair. It’s healthier to wash hair at the hairdresser in the first week. Exact information on this subject can be obtained from the surgeon.
  • Bandage in the incision area (if open rhinoplasty has been performed) should be changed as often as recommended by the surgeon.
  • It should be tried not to make too many facial expressions or to laugh. Because the sweeping, coughing/sneezing are risky, the patient should pay attention.
  • Glasses should not be worn for the first month.
  • The treated area should be protected from sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions

In rhinoplasty, methods divide into 2 as open and closed. The appropriate method is chosen by the surgeon, with the direction of the patient’s needs.

The duration of the operation varies according to the method and the details of the procedure, but it’s between 2-2.5 hours.

At the selection stage, a plastic surgeon should be preferred. When making surgeon research, experience and patient feedback should be taken as a basis. Before going for a face-to-face interview, it’s useful to do a short research online.

Firstly, the patient should have completed the development of the musculoskeletal system to undergo this operation. For this operation, the appropriateness of the bone and cartilage structure is more important than the age limit. Nevertheless, it is generally considered suitable for people who are 18 years over.

As it is a complex procedure, this operation requires general anesthesia.

In rhinoplasty surgery, staying in the hospital for 1 night is sufficient for postoperative follow-up.

In operations performed with closed technique, no incision is made. In the open technique, only an incision is applied to the junction of the nostril. This point is narrow, and the scars can’t be seen easily.

Not always. It’s possible to obtain results that seem natural with the right surgeon and correct operation technique.

Recovery varies from person to person. However, with a cold compress application recommended by the surgeon, a significant part of the bruise and swelling disappears within an average of 10 days. Also, the edema also passes within an average of 3 months.

After a year after the first operation, it is possible to have a rhinoplasty again with the approval of the surgeon

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