IVF (In vitro fertilization) - THS Turkish Health Service

IVF Overview

“IVF Treatment” (In Vitro Fertilization) is a common name given to the reproductive treatments that the patient gets help from outside of the body. From a more technical point of view, it means that the female egg cells, called oocytes, are fertilized with the male semen cell in laboratory conditions. Then, a certain number of fertilized egg cells are selected and placed in the uterus. In this way tube baby is created.

When is this Operation performed?

  • Reduced egg reserve and quality decrease because of mother’s being older age,
  • Decreased sperm motility and quality; azoospermia or varicocele
  • Problems observed in the intrauterine and fallopian tubes,
  • Cysts,
  • Infertility with an unknown cause.

IVF Procedure with All Stages

We aim to provide the best understanding of the process by explaining this treatment in detail with all its steps. Let’s examine all the stages, starting from the first phase.

  1. Ovarian Stimulation

Treatment begins with the injection of hormonal medications on the 3rd day of the menstrual period. The main function of these medications is to help the development of more than one egg cell and thus increase the chance of pregnancy. Regarding the general norms, the stimulation process of the ovaries lasts for 12 days, but the response of the ovaries to the hormone injection is extremely decisive. This process varies from person to person. During the daily hormone treatment, egg cell development is observed in detail with ultrasound.

There is another treatment method called short protocol. It works on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation and is an average of 15 days. In this method, injections are given to stimulate the eggs. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist is given when the follicular reaches a certain size or 6th day of hormone therapy, to prevent premature cracking of the follicles. This injection is given from the navel. This method is preferred today because it takes shorter than the long protocol described first and has an equal success rate in terms of its results. In addition, when examined in terms of side effects, the syndrome of overstimulation of eggs called hyperstimulation is less common in the short protocol. Today, the short protocol is more popular.

  1. Egg Collection

In the course of test tube baby treatment, when the eggs reach a certain maturity, another step is taken. A different hormonal injection is given to crack the stimulated egg cells. Then, 34 – 36 hours later, egg collection is done. The sorest point in this process is the time: It is very important to provide the treatment at the right moment.

How is egg collection done?

The patient with an empty stomach is put to sleep at the early times of the day. After that, the egg collection process begins and it takes 15 – 20 minutes. Since it is performed during sleep, no pain is felt by the patient.

Eggs are reached in a vaginal way for in vitro fertilization. This procedure is carried out with a needle that sucks the eggs out and can be guided by ultrasound. During this procedure, between 1 and 40 eggs are collected. This figure differs from patient to patient. However, based on the general average, around 10 – 12 eggs are taken. Although it is very rare, it is also possible that no eggs can be collected. Besides, after the egg collection, there is no need for hospitalization, so the patient can go home without waiting for further.

  1. Egg Fertilization

The eggs collected at the previous stage are fertilized in the laboratory depending on the quality of the sperm cell. Classical IVF or microinjection (ICSI) methods are selected according to the quality of sperm. Thanks to this fertilization, the embryo, which is the cornerstone of the baby, develops in the womb. Fertilization under the microscope is completed within 12 – 15 hours. The result is reported to the patient, and the embryo transfer day is scheduled.

  1. Embryo Transfer

The transfer is carried out after 48 – 72 hours following the collection of the fertilized embryo, called the pre-embryo or zygote. Depending on the situation, this transfer may take up to 120 hours with the surgeon’s decision. How this process proceeds depend entirely on the quality of the embryo.

In this phase, embryos are inserted into the uterus by gently passing through the cervix with a thin plastic catheter. The number of embryos to be transferred is determined by the age of the patient. In candidates under the age of 35, 1 embryo is placed in the first two treatments. For other patients, this number is at most 2. Also, this procedure is simple and painless.

There is no need for hospitalization after the application. Then, the patient gets the progesterone hormone for 2 weeks. After this period, she makes a pregnancy test. If the test gives a positive result, after 10 days, the gestational sac is displayed with ultrasound.

  1. Pregnancy Test

The pregnancy test is done 12 days after the transfer process. It is checked whether the pregnancy occurred successfully. By performing a blood test that does not require hunger and satiety, beta-HCG is detected. In case the pregnancy test is positive, an ultrasound examination is done for the patient 10 days later after the test. Our patients coming from outside the city or from abroad can make their checks in their place and inform their surgeon remotely. At this stage, remote observance of the surgeon who performs the treatment is sufficient. It is not mandatory to see the surgeon for re-examination.

Other services that we offer as part of IVF treatment:

  • Spermiogram (sperm analysis),
  • Sperm morphological (shape analysis) evaluation,
  • Sperm DNA fragmentation (damage) analysis,
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF),
  • Microinjection (ICSI),
  • Embryo culture in the early period and blastocyst period,
  • Genetic diagnosis before pregnancy – PGT (abnormal screening, single-gene diseases),
  • Microdissection – TESE (obtaining sperm from MikroTESE testis),
  • Embryo freezing/thawing,
  • Embryo freezing/thawing by vitrification methods,
  • Laser embryo membrane is shaved by the laser method (nesting with help),
  • Endometrial KO-Culture (artificial uterus application).
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