Combined Plastic Surgery - THS Turkish Health Service

Combined Plastic Surgery Overview

Combined plastic surgery is an advanced operation in which multiple aesthetic procedures are performed at a time. This surgery is sometimes a requirement; sometimes it’s done according to the patient’s preference. In case a person thinks about having more than one plastic surgery, they can choose to do this in one go with one combined plastic surgery. Through this surgery, psychologically, the patient doesn’t have to prepare herself/himself for surgery over and over, so that the stress related to the operation can be kept to a minimum.

However, to get multiple plastic surgery, the patient must meet the following criteria:

  • In the combined plastic surgery, the operation may take a long time, therefore, the patient’s age and health must be suitable. The patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes may not be candidates.
  • Detailed blood screening is performed before the operation. If the patient has advanced anemia, the procedure can be suspended.
  • The patients who smoke may not be suitable. However, it’s sufficient to quit smoking 2 weeks before.

What are the Operations Included in the Combined Aesthetic Surgery?

Although more than one operation is performed together, the operations must support the results of each other. Therefore, there are certain variations for combined plastic surgery:

  • Rhinoplasty and lip aesthetics,
  • Face lifting and tummy tuck,
  • Arm lifting and breast aesthetics (augmentation, reduction, lifting),
  • Abdominal aesthetics (lifting or liposuction) and butt lifting,
  • Thigh lifting and abdominal aesthetics (lifting or liposuction),
  • Breast aesthetic (augmentation, reduction, lifting), tummy tuck or liposuction,
  • Gynecomastia and tummy tuck,
  • Gynecomastia and liposuction,
  • Abdominal aesthetics (lifting or liposuction) and vagina aesthetics,
  • Eyelid aesthetics and eyebrow removal with face lift, facial fat injection,
  • Rhinoplasty and chin operation.

Apart from these procedures, it’s possible to treat areas that are distant from each other and don’t affect each other. Of course, the surgeon’s approval is essential.

Besides, there’re advantages to getting multiple treatments in a single session: The person can achieve the desired look in a single operation. Almost all the combinations are performed under general anesthesia. However, the process is done in one go, without the healing process at different times and without being away from social life many times.

Before Combined Plastic Surgery

One of the most important things is choosing the surgeon and clinic. Since several procedures are performed, an experienced surgeon is required. Preferring a surgeon, who has previously performed, combined plastic surgery and who follows developments ensures a successful result. Apart from that, there’re some factors that the patient should pay attention to for a successful operation:

  • Alcohol and cigarette use should be discontinued for the period specified by the surgeon before combined plastic surgery.
  • The surgeon should be informed about the constantly used medicines.
  • The use of supplements, vitamins or medicines that have blood-thinning effects should be stopped.

After Combined Plastic Surgery

The post-operative process can be customized according to the operations. Detailed information is given by the surgeon.

However, the general rules to follow in the recovery process are as follows:

  • Prescribed medicines should be used regularly.
  • The medical corset should be used regularly.
  • The shower shouldn’t be taken before the time recommended by the surgeon, and the bandage shouldn’t be removed.
  • Smoking and alcohol shouldn’t be consumed in the first 2 weeks.
  • Depending on the operation, it may be necessary to pay attention to sleeping / sitting positions for the first days.
  • The sea, pool, sauna and Turkish bath should be avoided during the healing process.
  • Heavy sports should be avoided.
  • Healthy foods and plenty of fluids should be consumed.

Recovery time varies according to the operations. It’s not possible to have a long and painful process after combined plastic surgery. The healing process is experienced for more than one operation at the same time. Achieving the desired look is also faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on the patient’s condition, the needs, and wishes, whether the planned operations support each other and the surgeon’s decision.

General anesthesia is used in combined plastic surgeries.

It’s suitable for people who don’t have any risk in terms of health and age, except heart, blood pressure and diabetes patients. Also, the anemia problem is an obstacle to this operation.

As with all aesthetic operations, the age limit is 18 for the combined aesthetic operation.

The desired operations are performed at once, by taking anesthesia one time. Also, the healing process isn’t repeated. Besides, the desired changes can be seen in a short time and an advantage is provided in the financial sense.

The duration of the operation varies depending on the procedures to be performed.

On the contrary, it’s possible to survive the healing process for more than one operation at a time, instead of experiencing the pain in different periods. The procedure does not have a negative effect on the pain state.

The healing process of each aesthetic operation performed is different. In combined plastic surgery, this situation does not change. Combined operations go through their healing processes.

In order for the operation to take place, smokers must quit smoking a minimum of 6 months ago.

The operation is carried out by a single surgeon. Therefore, it is very important to work with a surgeon who specializes in the operations to be combined.

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